Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cancer :: essays research papers fc

CancerINTRODUCTIONIn the American society, crab louse is the disease most feared by themajority of people at heart the U.S. Cancer has been known and drawthroughout history.In the early 1990s nearly 6 million malignant neoplastic disease cases and more than 4 milliondeaths subscribe been reported worldwide, every year. The most fatal cancer in theworld is lung cancer, which has grown drastically since the spread of cigarettesmoking in growing countries. nominate cancer is the second leading form ofcancer in men, after lung cancer. Another on the increase, for women, isbreast cancer, particularly in China and Japan. The fourth on the list is colonand rectum cancer, which occurs mostly in older people.In the United States more than one-fifth of the deaths in the early90s was caused by cancer, only the cardiovascular diseases accounted at ahigher percentage. In 1993 the American Cancer Society predicted that about 33%of Americans will eventually get cancer. In the United States sk in cancer isthe most dominating in both men and women, followed by prostate cancer in menand breast cancer in women. Yet lung cancer causes the most deaths in men andwomen. Leukemia, or cancer of the blood, is the most common type in children.An increasing incidence has been clearly observable over the knightly few decades,due in part to improved cancer screening programs, and also to the increasing publication of older persons in the population, and also to the large number oftabacco smokers--particularly in women. Some researchers have estimated that ifAmericans stopped smoking, lung cancer deaths could virtually be eliminatedwithin 20 years.The U.S. government and private organizations spent about $1.2 billion annual for cancer research. With the development of new drugs and treatments,the number of deaths among cancer patients under 30 years of age is decreasing,even though the number of deaths from cancer is growing overall.TYPES OF genus Cancer1.Cancer is the common term use d to designate the mosst aggressive andusually fatal forms of a larger class of the diseases known as neoplasms. Aneoplasm is described as being relatively autonomous because it does not fullyobey the biological mechanisms that govern the growth and the metabolism ofindividual cells and the overall cell interactions of the sustentation organism. Someneoplasms grow more rapidly than the tissues from which they arise, others growat a normal pace but because of the other factors eventually become recognizableas an abnormal growth and not normal tissue. The changes seen in neoplasm areheritable in that these characteristics are passed on from each cell to ots

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